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We Believe


To have the presence of God

To have the heart of Christ

To be intentional

What is being a Christian all about?

The gospel of Jesus does not change - only the way it is presented!  A Christian is someone who believes in salvation through Christ – someone who accepts that they cannot measure up to God’s standard, so without a Saviour they could never enter God’s presence.  By accepting that Jesus died as a sin offering for humanity, for us, and by asking Him (who rose from the dead) to take the steering wheel of our lives - to guide us along life’s journey, we put aside our own selfish desires and instead endeavour to fulfil God’s desires for our lives.  If we take “Christ” into the centre of our lives, a spiritual heart transplant takes place!

The New Zealand Baptist statement of faith says we believe in:

  • The true humanity and Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The atonement made on the cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.

  • The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sets apart, empowers, and imparts spiritual gifts to the Church.

  • The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.

  • Salvation and membership in the Church by faith in Christ alone.

  • The immersion of believers as the Scriptural form of water baptism.


Biblical authority
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God given to us for guidance and instruction on how to live life to its fullest.

Believer's baptism

We believe baptism is for believers - a sign of an individual's faith in Christ and their commitment to following Him. We believe that the preferred means of baptism is full immersion.

Congregational government

As Baptists we do not have a hierarchy of positions within our churches or denomination.  We believe all members are equal, all are able to hear the voice of God, and all have a contribution to make to the running of the church.  We relate to one another and support one another.  Kamo Baptist has a board that is elected each year.  

Liberty of conscience
Baptists believe in the freedom of religion and the separation of church and state.

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